“Get 1:1 Consulting From Justin Who's Grown 12+ Ecommerce Brands From 6 to 7 figures.”

Justin Lalonde will personally review your ads, your offer, website and products, and give you real-time 1-1 consuting to help you scale your business.

Increase Sales & ROAS By Learning From My $9.6M/yr Ad Processes.

Is AdEngine For You…?

If Any Of The Below Points Resonate With You, The Answer Is YES!

If You Said YES To Any Of The Above Statements, Then I Want To Invite You To Join AdEngine And Transform Your Business Forever!

A message from Justin Lalonde…

Dear reader,

If you want to build ads that can help you scale to +$50k/m, profitably, that you don’t have to change or touch for the next 6 months, and that make your competitors wonder “how in the world can you be everywhere on my feed?”

This letter is for you.

I’m looking for marketers and entrepreneurs…

People that either run online ads for a living, offer it as a service to their clients or need to use ads to make their own online business thrive.

To offer you a different path.

You see, most marketing ‘gurus’ will tell you to:

  • Change your target audience;

  • Optimize your ad account structure;

  • Try ‘this new fill in the blank campaign objective’

...when your ad results aren’t what you expected.

Which all completely disregard today’s reality:

AI is taking over Media Buying.

I’ll even go as far to say that media buyers are on the verge of mass extinction.

Facebook, TikTok, Google, among others, have all been forced by Apple and the European Union to remove a wide range of targeting capabilities…

Or have they?

They may have removed your ability to target zip codes, household incomes, and thousands of other interest points…

But they’ve simply now fed this same information to their internal AI tools which now automatically finds your customers for you.

So, does that mean you can now sit back, relax, and print money automatically?

Of course not.

If that was the case, every media buyer would be a multi-millionaire by now.

So, the question you should ask yourself is:

What is the single most important point to focus on in my ad account(s)?

Your creatives.

Creative is the new targeting.

Did you know that, to automatically find your ideal customers, ad platforms now have access to over 40,000 data points from your ads?

By simply looking at your photo or video ad, Meta (and TikTok or Google) can see:

  • The demographics of the person shown in your ad;

  • And emotions, displayed by said person;

  • Any background or foreground objects (If your ad features images of mountain bikes, the AI might categorize it under sports and outdoor activities, which can then be used to target people interested in these areas);

  • All text or words present;

  • The AI can evaluate the overall sentiment and theme of your ad creative. For example, it can determine whether the ad is humorous, inspirational, or educational;

And much more.

In other words, these platforms now scan your ad creatives, use them to determine your target audience and then go out to find you these people.

I also haven’t yet covered the surprisingly popular pieces of advice going around out there…

“Hire a third-world freelancer, they’ll do the work for you!”

“Work with an agency or “white label partner”, they’ll figure it out!”

So, you mean to tell me, you’d outsource the ONE thing that brings you customers?

The one thing generating you results?

I’m all for outsourcing but you at least should have SOME basis of knowledge around the thing itself, right?

I call this the “no BS protection”.

How are you to spot fake case studies, wonky methodologies and poor marketing execution if you aren’t skilled yourself?

You simply can’t, and that’s not your fault.

Ad platforms are changing rapidly, and what works one day doesn’t necessarily work the next.

One month, AI can only help you ‘do some research’ and the next thing you know, it can clone your entire voice, face and home… (Yep, I kid you not, this exists…)

The point is:

This space is moving FAST.

Almost too fast sometimes.

And starting out as a marketer 4 years ago, I was scared and overwhelmed.

That’s why I’ve created AdEngine.

It’s a special and elite-level group of marketers who want to:

  • Understand the marketing fundamental principles that bulletproof their skills and strategies from any ‘Adpocalypse’;

  • Stay up-to-date with the newest paid advertising strategies, techniques and blueprints that work NOW.

That’s who this is for.

Every. Single. Piece. Of. Advice. Given in AdEngine is actively being battle-tested by our +$9.6M in yearly ad spend under management and the +70 clients we’ve been working with at PaidAdvertising.com.

That’s right, we’re part of the selective few that ‘practice what they preach’.

We eat, breathe, sleep paid ads…

(I mean, our company’s name is PAID ADVERTISING… What else does that have to say about what we specialize in?)

And I’d love for you to be part of AdEngine, and learn from our +$30M in client-generated paid ads revenue.

Now, consider this for a second…

What If You Could Unlock The Most ADVANCED Online Marketing Mentorship

There Is… And Text, Send Voice Notes And Looms To Me (Justin), My Team, Get Real-Time Personalized Feedback,

Weekly Calls AND More?

How would your ad account(s), business, and growth trajectory look like if you were able to implement a slice of what I can show you?

What You Get...

What Is Inside Of AdEngine?

The AdEngine 2.0 Program

Unlock AdEngine's extensive curriculum designed to help your business make well over $50,000/month from Facebook Ads.

With in-depth e-commerce and lead generation advertising tutorials... You’ll gain over 50 hours of video content, Miro boards, ClickUp templates, SOPs, and systems reserved ONLY to our AdEngine members!

Private Slack Channel

Cut out the noise and only network with the highest-level ecom & lead gen ad experts there are by joining our private Slack channel. You’ll get to connect 1:1 with my team, myself and other members through Slack which offers a more “real-time” communication channel for us all! We’ll usually also run accountability games and challenges to help all members stay on track to keep growing their (or their clients’) ad accounts and business.

Weekly Calls

You’ll now also unlock weekly calls, monthly 'Member Makeover' where we can audit your ad account(s)and business in depth, monthly 'Expert Q&A' sessions, and more. Less people + more calls = More time to go through your questions and give you a clear plan forward!

A Free Copy Of 'Breakthrough Advertising'

Or, what I call the "Marketer's Bible". For you and your team to learn from, further enhance your marketing understanding and really take your paid ads expertise to the millions of dollars in ad spend, as I did over the last few years!

3x 'Bonus' Modules

The EXACT research blueprint we use to build our ads, our 4-week bootcamp, adaptable for e-commerce brands of all niches, the 30 BEST recordings from our various consulting calls we’ve done over the last few months... Some of which clients paid us well over $5,000 a month to access this advice… Which you get all for FREE when you join AdEngine!

Legendary Marketers Secrets Unlocked, Just For You.

Now, where have I gotten these so-called “marketing fundamental principles that bulletproof your skills”?

And how exactly is one supposed to shield themselves from an “Adpocalypse”?

Let’s define this word I coined last year…


/adˈpɒkəlɪps/ - noun

a significant disruption or transformation in the online advertising industry, such as the failure of an ad platform, the emergence of a new ad platform, or a major advancement in advertising technology.

"Marketers braced themselves for the adpocalypse when the new data privacy laws were announced."

You see, simply relying on media buying tips and tricks, platform hacks or ad buying techniques is far too futile.

I was like a loose leaf, blown by the wind orchestrated by Zuckerberg’s will.

I needed to find timeless principles.

Thinking frameworks that would allow me to make my final transition…

To transition from a mere media buyer…

Or a simple “Creative Strategist”...

To a marketer…

An identity no one could ever take away from me.

I went back in time and started meticulously reading and applying the teachings of legendary copywriters.

What could these people, oh so good with their words, have to teach me?

Especially considering how their teachings were…

Over 50 years old?

You see, simply relying on media buying tips and tricks, platform hacks or ad buying techniques is far too futile.

I was like a loose leaf, blown by the wind orchestrated by Zuckerberg’s will.

I needed to find timeless principles.

Thinking frameworks that would allow me to make my final transition…

To transition from a mere media buyer…

Or a simple “Creative Strategist”...

To a marketer…

An identity no one could ever take away from me.

I went back in time and started meticulously reading and applying the teachings of legendary copywriters.

What could these people, oh so good with their words, have to teach me?

Especially considering how their teachings were… Over 50 years old?

And this is where it hit me:

Everything they’ve preached their entire lives, all the research mechanisms, thinking frameworks and principles they used day-to-day were aimed at making better copy…

Or, shall I say, better ads.

They couldn’t rely on techniques nor futile media buying tricks when all they had was a pen and paper, or at best, a typewriter.

And then, I had a second realization:

Just like a pen and paper, a newspaper or a billboard… Online ad platforms are simple mediums.

Nothing more.

Eureka! That was it!

AI, algorithms, “online media buying” and the infamous “pixel” made us LAZY.

And this is where it hit me:

Everything they’ve preached their entire lives, all the research mechanisms, thinking frameworks and principles they used day-to-day were aimed at making better copy…

Or, shall I say, better ads.

They couldn’t rely on techniques nor futile media buying tricks when all they had was a pen and paper, or at best, a typewriter.

And then, I had a second realization:

Just like a pen and paper, a newspaper or a billboard… Online ad platforms are simple mediums. Nothing more.

Eureka! That was it!

AI, algorithms, “online media buying” and the infamous “pixel” made us LAZY.

We all started spending WAY too much time focusing on the WRONG levers to increase digital ad results when the ONE thing that always mattered since the dawn of time was the ad itself.

And that’s why everyone struggled after IOS 14 hit in 2021…

Or why they feared the rise of ChatGPT…

Or still struggle to this day, to get any conclusive ad results…

They simply don’t know, to the tee, how to make fundamentally-sound ad creatives.

Some Of The ‘Legendary Marketers’

You’ll Be Able To Learn From:

Eugene Schwartz

Known for his book “Breakthrough Advertising” published in 1966, still sold today for 100s of dollars online…

David Ogilvy

Founder of the famous multi-billion dollar “Ogilvy” advertising firm and author of “Ogilvy on Advertising”, published in 1983.

Claude Hopkins

Considered to be the “Father of Advertising” by many, author of “Scientific Advertising” published in 1923, and at his peak, earning today’s equivalent of a $5.8M yearly salary as a Marketer.

Eugene Schwartz

Known for his book “Breakthrough Advertising” published in 1966, still sold today for 100s of dollars online…

David Ogilvy

Founder of the famous multi-billion dollar “Ogilvy” advertising firm and author of “Ogilvy on Advertising”, published in 1983.

Claude Hopkins

Considered to be the “Father of Advertising” by many, author of “Scientific Advertising” published in 1923, and at his peak, earning today’s equivalent of a $5.8M yearly salary as a Marketer.

… and just like a Porsche, a thoughtfully-crafted machine, I’m giving you the engine to run your ads.

Whether you are an advertising agency owner, an e-commerce brand owner, a media buyer, entrepreneur, an online course seller or simply someone using ads as a way to acquire customers…

If you are looking to lock-in timeless marketing principles, to future proof yourself and your business, and to get more out of your paid ads, then this AdEngine program is for you!

Here are just a few of the industries we've ran ads in and helped clients scale:

E-Commerce: Apparel & Fashion, Supplements, Health & Beauty, Jewelry, Food, Home, Accessories, etc.

Lead Generation: Chiropractors, Real Estate, Mortgage Loan Officers, Solar, Home Improvement, Medspas, Event Planners, Landscapers, etc.

Others: Marketing Agencies, SaaS, Infoproducts, Events & Conferences, and more.

Here’s Everything You’ll Unlock…

By Joining AdEngine Today:

  • Full Access To The AdEngine 2.0 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($1,997 Value)

  • A Personalized 'Strategy Session' Onboarding Call With Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($500 Value)

  • Full 1:1 Slack Access To Justin & His Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($2,997 Value)

  • Weekly Calls With Justin & His Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($1,497 Value)

  • Monthly Masterclasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .($999 Value)

  • Monthly Member ‘Makeover’ Ad Account Audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($597 Value)

  • A FREE Copy Of “Breakthrough Advertising” By Eugene Schwartz (1966) . . . . . . .($125 Value)

  • The PeakAd Bootcamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($297 Value)

  • The 2023 AdEngine 1.0 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($497 Value)

  • LIVE Consulting Call Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($797 Value)

  • A FREE Copy Of “Breakthrough Advertising” By Eugene Schwartz (1966) ($125 Value)

  • Full Access To The AdEngine 2.0 Program ($9,997 Value)

  • Full Access To Our Skool Community ($497 Value)

  • Weekly Calls With Justin & His Team ($1,997 Value)

  • Monthly Masterclasses ($999 Value)

  • Monthly Expert Q&A Sessions ($1,497 Value)

  • Monthly Member ‘Makeover’ Audits ($597 Value)

  • The PeakAd Bootcamp ($1,600 Value)

  • Ad Research Center Masterclass ($997 Value)

  • LIVE Consulting Call Recordings ($497 Value)

  • Referral Opportunities (Priceless)

Total Value: $9,303

For Only $597/month...

Don’t Take My Word For It.

Here Are Just A Few People Who Implemented What We Teach.

But Time Is Of The Essence!

We do have a limited number of members we can welcome into AdEngine to give everyone an equal opportunity to get their questions answered, interact with others and get some “screen time” on our weekly calls.

Although I’m allowing you, yes, you who’s reading this message right now, to join AdEngine for only $1,797...

I simply can’t keep this offer up forever with the sheer amount of value and time our team is actively putting into it.

We’d most likely go out of business if we kept this live for too long…

And so, our prices will very soon increase by at LEAST 25%...

So don’t wait! This special offer won’t be up forever!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is covered in AdEngine?

AdEngine is a program designed to help you master paid advertising on Facebook, TikTok, and Google Ads. We extensively cover strategies, ad account breakdowns and scaling techniques for e-commerce businesses, local businesses (lead generation), SaaS, and marketing agencies. Meaning, yes, we also show you how to acquire clients, with paid ads, for a marketing agency. We cover everything from media buying to creative research, creative editing with Photoshop, Illustrator or Premiere Pro, how to use AI to create ads at scale, data analysis, unit economics calculation, and much more.

How does this work?

When signing up for AdEngine today, you’ll then automatically receive access to our “Skool” community via email where the program's content, the community and our calls are hosted!

Who is this for?

AdEngine is for advertising agencies, e-commerce brand owners, entrepreneurs, media buyers or anyone using paid ads to acquire customers for their business (or their clients'!)… If you are looking to lock-in timeless marketing principles, to future proof yourself and your business, and to get more out of your paid ads, then this AdEngine community is for you!

Do I need to already have a business? Or be good at paid ads?

Nope, and nope! Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or expert at paid advertising, we've got the right approach and content to help you. The beauty with AdEngine is that it truly allows you to scale. Yes, you'll get a LOT of value as a beginner, but it also has MANY modules focused on advanced techniques and concepts to help you scale your ads. We actively handle budgets ranging from $100 a day to $15,000 daily at my agency, and so we can show you the spectrum of tactics required to get you from one to the other.

What if I'm unhappy with AdEngine?

In the rare case this may occur, please email our support team at [email protected] or DM our support bot on Skool. We'll respond within 24-48 hours and do everything in our power to help resolve your situation or provide you with extra guidance and support!

How much does it cost?

AdEngine is a monthly subscription offered at $597/month. You can cancel any time with a 30-day heads up sent to our team via Slack or email at [email protected].

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